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Patent Obtaining Procedure

"Obtaining a Patent or Utility Model is a serious process that starts with the innovation inquiry before the application and requires making the application and making the document correspondence in this process and obtaining the document and even following the annual renewals."

Patent – Utility Model

It is called the prevention of the production, sale and use of the invention right of others without permission within a certain period of time and granting a monopoly right to the holder of this right.

Things to Do Before Patent Application

Before making an application, it is necessary to question whether it is an invention subject to application or not. In the Patent Decree Law, the subjects that are not inventive are as follows:

 • Mathematical methods, theories, discoveries are not subject of invention.

 • Mental, business and game-related plans and rules (e.g. a language learning method, a business plan)

 • Literary works, artistic works and computer software

 • Compiling and presenting non-technical information

 • Treatment procedures and methods to be applied to the bodies of humans and animals

All these issues are not considered within the scope of the invention, but to give an example, software cannot be patented, while a device working with software can be patented.

Should the Invention be Preferred as a Patent or a Utility Model?

It would be useful to get information about the patent and Utility Model before applying. See our article "What is a Patent?" for more information about two terms.

Patent Inquiry

The realization of an invention and its commercialization are processes that require a long time and financial resources. It is therefore very important to question whether our invention is really new. This is a process that will prevent both time and financial losses.

Preparation of Patent Application Documents

The documents to be prepared as Patent and Utility model applications are the same. Patent Application documents;

 • Description

 • Requests

 • Summary

 • Inventive drawing

 • Summary

Patent Application

After the patent application documents are prepared, the application is made online through the System Patent Attorney office.

Patent Application Process

 1. Online Patent Application

 2. Application is examined in Form (1-3 days)

 3. If there is a formal deficiency (Completion period 3 months)

 4. Form deficiency is completed, if any

 5. Formal conformity letter

 6. Research report (can be done within 15 months from the date of application)

 7. Research report request

 8. System Preference

 9. If the System without Examination is preferred, a Patent Certificate without Examination is Obtained.

 10. If Examined System is preferred,

 11. Examination Request

 12. In case of positive

 13. Examined Patent Certificate is Obtained

 14. A renewal fee must be paid every year from the date of application.

 15. Patent Certificate publication