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International Patent Registration System

A patent is protected in the country of application. A patent application filed in Turkey is valid only within Turkey. If a patent application is requested abroad, the Right of Preference must be requested during the national patent application phase. With the Preference Request, the patent applications made after that date and made between the dates of an application made in Turkey and a patent application filed abroad will be void.

Types of international patent applications

National Patent Application

International patent application (PCT)

Regional cooperation patents (EPC)

Eurasia Patent Cooperation (EAPC)

African Regional Intellectual Property (ARIPO)

African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI)

Gulf Cooperation Patent (GCC)

National Patent Application;

National patent applications are the first application made in the country where registration protection is requested. There are two types of applications.

Application directly through the country office

Application made with the priority right from another country

National patent applications are evaluated independently according to the countries in which they are made.

International Patent Application (Patent Cooperation Treaty-PCT)

International patent applications are made before the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO). Turkey became a party of this treaty in 1996. It provides the right to request the patent rights in other countries through an application in any of the Party countries. It is also advantageous compared to national applications in terms of cost.As of September 2013, 149 countries are parties to the agreement.

No patents are granted with the PCT system PCT is a system that is only about facilitating applications.

The application must be completed within 30 months from the date of first application.

Regional Cooperation European Patent Application (EPC)

Turkey became a party to the European Patent Convention in 2000. It provides regional protection in the countries designated by the applicant.38 countries are currently party to this convention.