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Patent Opposition

"Patent applications made to the Turkish Patent Institute are published monthly in the official patent bulletin. These published applications can be opposed within six months from the publication of the bulletin."

Why Opposition?

Since an invention acquired in the relevant sector will gain a monopoly right with registration protection, an invention may be opposed for reasons such as being a known technique before the application date or claims on the invention.

What is Required in Opposition?

Evidence regarding the technical field to which the invention is related to support the opposition,

The patent application made does not exceed the state of the art which is the patentability criteria or does not meet the manufacturability criteria,

It can be claimed that the content of the description is not in conformity with the patent regulation.

Patent Opposition Stages

After the opposition is made, the applicant is informed about the opposition. The applicant can present his/her observations and evidence against the opposition, if any, within 3 months, or take into account the oppositions made and revise the request or the specification and renew the application. The decision examined by the patent opposition unit can also be taken to the Industrial Property Court. Or, all persons or institutions that do not oppose in this process can file the opposition at the Industrial Property Court.