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International Patent Research

The patent application becomes ready for research if it is decided that there is no deficiency in the application conformity assessment or if the said deficiencies are completed.

A research report must be requested within 15 months from the date the patent application is filed or the right of preference is requested, and this fee must be paid.

Report on the State of Art i.e. Research Report

 • Carried out in  European Patent Offices in

 • Denmark

 • Sweden

 • Austria

 • Russian

What is Patent Research? How It’s Done

In order for an invention to be protected by patenting,

 • innovation,

 • Going beyond the state of the art,

 • Industry applicability criteria are sought.

Research Report: Description of Categories:

X: Document demonstrating that the invention is not new and does not contain invention step

E: Document published on or after the application date

Y: Document demonstrating that the invention does not contain an invention step when put together with another document

T: Document specified to understand the principle or theory underlying the invention

A: Document stating the state of art but not fully related to the invention

L: Document specified for other reasons

O: Unwritten description

D: Document specified in the application

P: Document published between the application date and the date of priority.

&: Document of the same patent family

Examination Procedures

After the publication of the research report and within six months from the date of publication, the applicant requests that the examination be conducted in order to be examined and granted a patent. In order for this examination to be conducted, the six-month opposition period granted to third parties must end and the specified examination fee must be paid.